These General Terms and Conditions (hereinafter referred to as “GTC”) regulate the legal relationship between the Owner of the purchased Ticket for the international summit “Start with Children: The Bratislava Summit 2025″ and/or the user of the website to purchase the Ticket for the international summit ” Start with Children: The Bratislava Summit 2025″ on one side and the Organizer on the other.


The Event is the international summit “Start with Children: The Bratislava Summit 2025”, the main topic of which will be issues of child-friendly urban planning. The Event will take place from 05/13/2025 to 05/14/2025 on the premises of the Old Market in Bratislava. The Event is co-organized by the capital of the Slovak Republic Bratislava, and the Metropolitan Institute of Bratislava.

The Organiser is the Metropolitan Institute of Bratislava which is a contribution organisation of the capital of the Slovak Republic Bratislava located in Primaciálne námestie 429/1, 814 99 Bratislava, IN: 52 324 940, TIN: 2120982490, VAT: SK2120982490, and capital of the Slovak Republic Bratislava located in Primaciálne námestie 429/1, 814 99 Bratislava, IN: 00 603 481, TIN: 2020372596, VAT: SK2020372596.

The Point of purchase is the website representing a system of information and purchases connected to the Event.

A Ticket is a valuable and confirmation for the Ticket holder to enter the Event for a fee. Editing, falsifying, or copying a Ticket is a violation of these GTCs along with the relevant legal regulations and may lead to administrative-legal or criminal-legal consequences. After the first entry to the Event, this Ticket will be exchanged for an identification bracelet allowing repeated entry to the Event during its duration.

The Ticket holder is a person whose name is stated on the Ticket. The Ticket holder acknowledges that different forms of recording (audio, video, and audio-visual recordings) could be made at the Event or in connection with it by the Organiser or third parties authorised by the Organiser for artistic purposes and print, film, radio, and television.

 The Purchase of a Ticket

Any person interested in the Event can buy/pay for the Ticket at the Point of purchase.

The Organiser is obliged to accept the Ticket order only if the order contains all the data required by the Organiser, mainly data about the buyer, subject of the purchase, prize, payment method, and data required for the issuance and delivery of the Ticket.

By submitting an online purchase, the buyer confirms the truthfulness, correctness, and completeness of the information provided, acceptance of the purchase price of the ordered Tickets as well as all other conditions of purchase resulting from the order and/or related to the order, mainly being familiarized with GTC (including consent to the processing of his data). By placing the order, it becomes binding for the buyer and is considered to be a proposal for the conclusion of the contract by section § 43 and Act no. 40/1964 Coll. Civil Code, as amended (hereinafter referred to as “CC”) with the possibility of withdrawing this proposal or cancelling it only in the manner specified in this provision of the CC. Its acceptance by the Organizer will result in the acceptance of the draft contract and thus the conclusion of a sales contract (at a distance) between the Organizer as the seller and the person identified in the order (natural person, legal entity) as the buyer, and is thus binding for the Organizer as well.

By purchasing the Ticket, the buyer confirms the General Data Protection Regulation viewed at the Point of purchase.

It is not possible to cancel this order or change the number and/or category of ordered Tickets after accepting the order by the Organiser, except for changing the name of the Ticket holder stated on the Ticket.

Buyers or consumers cannot withdraw from the purchase contract by sec. § 7 par. 6 letters k) Act no. 102/2014 Coll. on consumer protection when selling goods or providing services based on a contract concluded at a distance or a contract concluded outside the seller’s premises and on the amendment of certain laws as amended, since the subject of this purchase contract is the provision of services related to leisure activities and according to which the seller undertakes to provide these services at the agreed time or within the agreed deadline.

The Ticket holder is obliged to change the name stated on the purchased Ticket no later than five (5) days before the start of the Event. In this case, it is necessary to send a request to change the name by e-mail to the address (requests sent to a different e-mail address will not be accepted).

The purchase price of the Tickets is listed at the Point of purchase and is final. It includes the relevant amount of value-added tax by the relevant legal regulations.

The price of Tickets can be paid:

a) online by payment card using the CardPay system (payment via the virtual POS terminal of the Czechoslovak Commercial Bank) using VISA and EUROCARD/MASTERCARD cards issued by any banking institution,

b) via PayPal, the funds representing the price of the reserved Tickets will be withdrawn from the entered account immediately after confirmation of payment.

The costs for using the communication and payment means at a distance shall be borne by each of the contracting parties.

Immediately after the payment of the Ticket purchased through the Point of purchase and paid by one of the online methods through the payment gateway, the Ticket Holder will receive the Ticket in electronic form at the e-mail address provided during payment.

Rights and Obligations of the Ticket Holder

The Ticket holder is entitled to use any services offered at the Event. The Ticket holder is obliged to present a valid ID card when approached by the Organiser or persons authorised by the Organiser.

The Ticket holder is obliged to check the Ticket and data stated on the Ticket immediately after the purchase and receiving of the Ticket. Any errors must be reported to the Organiser immediately.

The Organiser advises the Ticket holders to find information at the Point of Purchase about possible changes related to the Event including the possible cancellation of the Event.

By presenting the Ticket at the entrance to the Event, the Ticket holder agrees to the instructions given by the Organiser at the place of the Event and the attached conditions. The Ticket holder is obliged to comply with them. In the case of non-compliance, the Organiser is entitled to proceed by its instructions also in the form of preventing the Ticket holder’s further participation in the Event without the right to any form of refund of the Ticket price and/or other damage of the Ticket holder.

The Ticket holder is obliged to check the e-mail address to which the Ticket should be sent right after the purchase. The Ticket holder is fully responsible for the correctness or incorrectness of an e-mail address and fully assumes the risk the Ticket will not be delivered in case of an incorrect e-mail address. In this case, the Ticket holder will not be entitled to any compensation from the Organiser including a refund of the price of the Ticket or sending a replacement Ticket. The Organiser is entitled but not obliged to provide the Ticket holder a replacement Ticket and send it to the correct e-mail address.

Purchased Tickets cannot be returned to the Organizer or exchanged for other tickets, nor can any other compensation or discount be requested from the Organizer for the purchased Tickets, nor can they be offered commercially for resale. Tickets cannot be included as prizes in competitions and further used for commercial purposes without the prior written consent of the Organizer.

A forged Ticket, a duplicate Ticket, a Ticket without a QR code or bar code or otherwise damaged Ticket is invalid and its holder will not be allowed entry to the Event by the Organizer after presenting such Ticket. Each Ticket holder is therefore obliged to protect the Ticket against its damage, deterioration, loss or forgery.

Scope of Services, Change of Scope of Event Services

The Organizer reserves the right to cancel the Event or change the Event program, provided that this does not significantly change the nature of the Event. The Organizer is obliged to inform the Ticket holders and those interested in the Event about the cancellation or change of the Event, or about the place, time, and method of refunding the price of the Ticket, through the Point of purchase.

Upon cancellation of the Event, the Organizer shall return the funds representing the price of the Ticket to the Ticket holder without undue delay after publication of the notice of cancellation of the Event. Ticket holders are entitled to claim a refund of the entrance fee within the period specified by law.

The Organizer is not obliged to return the price of the Tickets to the Ticket holders, nor to pay or provide them with any compensation if the Event is cancelled (i) for reasons that were caused by an unavoidable occurrence that does not originate in the Organizer’s operations (§420a paragraph 3 of the Code of Civil Procedure), in particular, but not only for reasons on the part of the performers (e.g. deterioration of health, etc.), force majeure, natural disasters, adverse weather conditions, strikes, demonstrations, wars, uprisings, riots, terrorist attacks or suspicions thereof, or prohibitions of public events or the Event by any public authority, court or legal regulation, or (ii) for reasons on the part of the Ticket holder (§420a, paragraph 3 of the OZ), or (iii) for any other similar reasons, all of which also if the cancelled Event is not replaced by a replacement Event on a replacement date.

Refund of Ticket Price

In the case of cancellation of the Event, the Ticket holder is obliged to get information about the method, place, and time of refund of the entrance fee at the Point of purchase. In such a case, the Ticket holder sends a request for a refund of the entrance fee via e-mail to the address (requests sent to another e-mail address will not be considered requests for a refund of the entrance fee). The request for a refund must be accompanied by the relevant document of this payment (payment details), the Tickets, and the account number to which you are requesting payment for the cancelled/changed Event.

Reimbursement of other expenses (transportation to the Event location, accommodation, food, archiving fee, ticket insurance, ticket delivery, etc.) is not provided.

Final Provisions

The Organiser is authorised to change or amend these GTCs. The Organiser is obliged to always publish the amended GTC on the Point of purchase no later than the effective day of the change.

Before sending the order, the interested party will be asked to confirm that he/she has familiarized, read, and understood the content of GTC and fully agrees with it by ticking the checkbox.

Because the contract is concluded through the website, the contract is concluded by expressing the consent of the interested party to the Event by confirming the checkbox designated for it, by which he/she agrees to all the previously displayed data.

These General Terms and Conditions take effect on January 24, 2025.